General Press Release

Next Games’ Half-year Review 2021 will be published on August 13, 2021

Published August 05, 2021

Next Games Corporation Press Release 5 August 2021 at 11:30 a.m. EEST

Next Games’ Half-year Review January-June 2021 will be published on Friday 13 August 2021 at 09:00 a.m. EEST. The review will be available at

We will hold a webcast and a phone conference in English. Next Games’ H1 2021 review will be presented by CEO Teemu Huuhtanen and CFO Annina Salvén.

The English webcast starts on 13 August 2021 at 10:00 a.m. EEST. You can join by using the following link: or by phone.

Phone conference details:

Dial in by calling your location’s phone number a couple of minutes before the start. Confirmation code: 44228703#

Finland: +358 981 710 310

Sweden: +46 856 642 651

United Kingdom: +44 333 300 0804

United States: +1 631 91 31422

The webcast recording will be available at on the same day.

Additional information:

Annina Salvén
+358 (0) 40 588 3167

About Next Games

Next Games (Helsinki Nasdaq First North: NXTGMS) is the first publicly listed mobile game developer and publisher in Finland, specializing in games based on entertainment franchises, such as movies, TV series or books. The developers of the critically acclaimed The Walking Dead games redefines the way franchise entertainment transforms into highly engaging service-based mobile games. Currently Next Games is working on multiple new games based on popular entertainment franchises including Blade Runner Nexus, for the popular Blade Runner franchise and a mobile game based on Netflix’s Stranger Things. For more information head to